The customer communication channel mix: state of play, developments and perspectives

Under the impact of digital, customer relations have undergone fundamental changes over the last 5 years. Customers and prospects are now almost all connected and the use of digital technology in everyday life has also become a way of contacting companies.
This is of course in addition to the communication channels initially available. And it goes without saying that the customer expects companies to respond ever more quickly, even instantaneously in the age of messengers such as Messenger or WhatsApp.

This is changing the way customer interaction flows are managed. Companies need to rethink the balance of their customer communication channel mix to reflect customer habits and preferences.
Would they prefer to contact customer service via Facebook, email or phone? For what type of requests? Is it possible to automate some of the responses to generic questions? Is it relevant to create for example a chatbot for this purpose?

Rémi Guionie, Managing Director of ViaDialog, develops these topics in an interview on Interactions Digitales


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