The number one AI-powered customer service platform
AI at the service of your customer experience, included in every plan
Interactions omnicanales
Centralisez toutes vos interactions clients sur une seule et même plateforme.
À partir de
/ user / month*
Voix, email, live chat, vidéo
Messaging : WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Télégram...
Automatisation des flux de travail des agents
Connecteurs natifs (Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, ZenDesk…)
*Selon les canaux utilisés
Used by
Accueil langage naturel
Éliminez les erreurs de routage, les rebonds et la mauvaise compréhension des besoins.
À partir de
Custom Plan
Reconnaissance vocale avancée
Tableaux de bord faciles à lire
Assistant conversationnel (Callbot)
Outil de gestion de corpus linguistique
Connexion native aux pricipales plateformes de téléphonie
Haute scalabilité et disponibilité
Faible latence
Utilisé par
IA Service Client
Notre IA améliore les performances de vos agents et l'expérience de vos clients.
À partir de
/ interaction
Résumé des appels
Transcription en temps réel
Analyse des sentiments
Notifications et alertes
Suggestion de réponses
Remontée de fiche automatique
Used by
Assistant conversationnel
Réduisez les volumes d'assistance et augmentez la satisfaction client avec une plateforme chatbot IA multimodal.
À partir de
/ cas traité
Automatisation sans code
Synthèse vocale
Tableaux de bord faciles à lire
Intégré à vos outils
Réponses riches et dynamiques
Configurer des réponses personnalisées
Réponses riches et dynamiques
Ajouter des images, des GIFs et plus encore
Used by
Modules API
Créez facilement votre CCaaS. Personnalisez votre solution de relation client grâce à l'intégration de modules API.
À partir de
Custom Plan
Résumé automatique des conversations
Catégorisation des motifs de contact
Remontée de fiche automatique
Connexion aux CRM du marché
Used by
Choose the product that’s right for you.
Interactions omnicanales
Interactions omnicanales
Acceuil ClientLN
Acceuil ClientLN
Assistant Conversationnel
Assistant Conversationnel
IA Service Client
IA Service Client
Campagne d'appels sortants
Campagne d'appels sortants
SSO (Microsoft, Salesforce, Okta)
Création de configuration de profils
Configuration des permissions du compte
Conforme RGPD
Certification ISO 22301
Profils superviseurs
SSO (Microsoft, Salesforce, Okta)
Création de configuration de profils
Configuration des permissions du compte
Conforme RGPD
Certification ISO 22301
Profils superviseurs
Softphone embarqué
Routage des appels
SVI et transferts d’appels
Journal des appels et enregistrements
Transcription et résumé des appels et messages vocaux
Accès à notre API
Choix du numéro de téléphone sortant
Notification par e-mail des messages vocaux
Transcription des messages vocaux
Suivi des tâches
After-Call Work
Campagnes d’appels
Power Dialer (automate d’appel)
Scripts d’appels
Campagnes de messages vocaux
Dépose de message vocal
Numéros localisés
Reconnaissance vocale (speech-to-text)
Transcription temps réel des appels en cours
Remontée d'alertes temps réel en fonction du contenu des conversations
Configuration autonome des catégories d'alerte temps réel
Gestion électronique des documents (GED)
Agent Assist
Softphone embarqué
Routage des appels
SVI et transferts d’appels
Journal des appels et enregistrements
Transcription et résumé des appels et messages vocaux
Accès à notre API
Choix du numéro de téléphone sortant
Notification par e-mail des messages vocaux
Transcription des messages vocaux
Suivi des tâches
After-Call Work
Campagnes d’appels
Power Dialer (automate d’appel)
Scripts d’appels
Campagnes de messages vocaux
Dépose de message vocal
Numéros localisés
Reconnaissance vocale (speech-to-text)
Transcription temps réel des appels en cours
Remontée d'alertes temps réel en fonction du contenu des conversations
Configuration autonome des catégories d'alerte temps réel
Gestion électronique des documents (GED)
Agent Assist
Extensions web
SalesForce, Amazon s3, Azure, Dynamics 365, Easyware, Teams, Hubspot, Coheris, Zendesk, Efficy, Google, X
Intégrations natives disponibles
Extensions web (Chrome, Firefox…)
Accès à notre API
Accès à nos webhooks
Accès au SDK
Extensions web
SalesForce, Amazon s3, Azure, Dynamics 365, Easyware, Teams, Hubspot, Coheris, Zendesk, Efficy, Google, X
Intégrations natives disponibles
Extensions web (Chrome, Firefox…)
Accès à notre API
Accès à nos webhooks
Accès au SDK
Gestion des appels entrants
Serveur Vocal Interactif DTMF
Mise en attente personnalisable
Cascades d’appels aléatoires
Cascades d’appels séquencées
Transfert d’appel
Renvoi d’appel vers un collègue
Renvoi d’appel vers un numéro externe
Renvoi d’appel vers un agent d’accueil
Routage des appels par antécédence
Routage intelligent (Smart Routing)
Files d’attente
Files d’attente prioritaires
Files d’attente personnalisées
Groupes d’appels
SVI - Accueil en langage naturel - Call Bot
Demande d’un code client dans le SVI
Bouton de rappel
Liste personnelle de numéros bloqués
Liste globale de numéros bloqués
Gestion des appels entrants
Serveur Vocal Interactif DTMF
Mise en attente personnalisable
Cascades d’appels aléatoires
Cascades d’appels séquencées
Transfert d’appel
Renvoi d’appel vers un collègue
Renvoi d’appel vers un numéro externe
Renvoi d’appel vers un agent d’accueil
Routage des appels par antécédence
Routage intelligent (Smart Routing)
Files d’attente
Files d’attente prioritaires
Files d’attente personnalisées
Groupes d’appels
SVI - Accueil en langage naturel - Call Bot
Demande d’un code client dans le SVI
Bouton de rappel
Liste personnelle de numéros bloqués
Liste globale de numéros bloqués
Historique partagé des appels, SMS et visioconférences
Répertoire de contacts partagé
Tags et notes d’appels
Tags de visioconférences
Fonction « Ne pas déranger » (Snooze)
Tags et snooze personnalisés
Messagerie instantanée
Conférence téléphonique
Historique partagé des appels, SMS et visioconférences
Répertoire de contacts partagé
Tags et notes d’appels
Tags de visioconférences
Fonction « Ne pas déranger » (Snooze)
Tags et snooze personnalisés
Messagerie instantanée
Conférence téléphonique
Statistiques et supervision
Accès aux logs d’appels en temps réel
Enregistrement des appels
Transcription des appels
Résumé d’appels
Statistiques Basiques et Avancées
Statistiques d’appels personnelles via la Web App
Tableau de bord en temps réel
Double écoute (appels et visioconférences)
Uniquement l'audio
Uniquement l'audio
Uniquement l'audio
Intervention pendant l’appel
Chuchotement pendant l’appel
Statistiques et supervision
Accès aux logs d’appels en temps réel
Enregistrement des appels
Transcription des appels
Résumé d’appels
Statistiques Basiques et Avancées
Statistiques d’appels personnelles via la Web App
Tableau de bord en temps réel
Double écoute (appels et visioconférences)
Uniquement l'audio
Uniquement l'audio
Uniquement l'audio
Intervention pendant l’appel
Chuchotement pendant l’appel
Envoi et réception de SMS
Notification SMS
Envoi et réception de SMS
Notification SMS
1 numéro fixe par utilisateur
Ajout de numéros supplémentaires - SDA, numéros géolocalisés, numéros courts
Numéros internationaux
Numéros mobiles européens disponibles
Notification d’appels
Dialer intelligent
Numéros verts & numéros spéciaux à reversement
Application web
Gestion complète de comptes SIP / PBX
1 numéro fixe par utilisateur
Ajout de numéros supplémentaires - SDA, numéros géolocalisés, numéros courts
Numéros internationaux
Numéros mobiles européens disponibles
Notification d’appels
Dialer intelligent
Numéros verts & numéros spéciaux à reversement
Application web
Gestion complète de comptes SIP / PBX
Live Chat
Facebook Messenger
Meta Instagram
Chat Bot IA
Chat Bot Handover vers agent
Live Chat
Facebook Messenger
Meta Instagram
Chat Bot IA
Chat Bot Handover vers agent
Agent IA
Agent IA
Intégration base de connaissances
Intégration FAQ
Intégration fichiers PDF, CSV, texte
Mise à jour automatique de la base de connaissances
Suggestions contenu manquant Knowledge Base
Réponses génératives multi-sources
Interface de gestion de la Knowledge Base
Support multilingue automatique
Configuration personnalité IA (ton, style)
Adaptation au contexte utilisateur
Routage intelligent
Apprentissage continu
Arbre de dialogue no-code
Modèle IA agnostique
Hybridation dialogue scripté & dialogue LLM
Choix modèle LLM
Choix modèle d’embedding
Prévention des hallucinations
Prévention attaques prompt injections
Rapport des questions non résolues
Monitoring des conversations
Agent IA
Agent IA
Intégration base de connaissances
Intégration FAQ
Intégration fichiers PDF, CSV, texte
Mise à jour automatique de la base de connaissances
Suggestions contenu manquant Knowledge Base
Réponses génératives multi-sources
Interface de gestion de la Knowledge Base
Support multilingue automatique
Configuration personnalité IA (ton, style)
Adaptation au contexte utilisateur
Routage intelligent
Apprentissage continu
Arbre de dialogue no-code
Modèle IA agnostique
Hybridation dialogue scripté & dialogue LLM
Choix modèle LLM
Choix modèle d’embedding
Prévention des hallucinations
Prévention attaques prompt injections
Rapport des questions non résolues
Monitoring des conversations
Interfaces pour le pilotage IA
Gestion des modèles NLU (natural language understanding)
Import - export des données et des corpus d'apprentissage
Editeur de dialogue low-code
Simulateur de dialogue
Consultation et d'annotation des interactions
Reporting et KPI sur les interactions automatisées
Interfaces pour le pilotage IA
Gestion des modèles NLU (natural language understanding)
Import - export des données et des corpus d'apprentissage
Editeur de dialogue low-code
Simulateur de dialogue
Consultation et d'annotation des interactions
Reporting et KPI sur les interactions automatisées
Souveraineté & RSE
Serveurs et infrastructure détenus en propre
Data Centers en France
Moteur Speech-to-text (STT) propriétaire
Moteur Synthèse Vocale (TTS) propriétaire
Technologies NLP propriétaires
LLM souverain déployé localement
Minimisation de l'empreinte machine et de la consommation électrique
Souveraineté & RSE
Serveurs et infrastructure détenus en propre
Data Centers en France
Moteur Speech-to-text (STT) propriétaire
Moteur Synthèse Vocale (TTS) propriétaire
Technologies NLP propriétaires
LLM souverain déployé localement
Minimisation de l'empreinte machine et de la consommation électrique
Solution omnicanale
Accueil client
IA Service Client
Appels sortants
SSO (Microsoft,, Salesforce, Okta)
Création de configuration de profil
Configuration des permissions du compte
Conforme RGPD
Certification ISO 22301
Profils superviseurs
On premise
Softphone embarqué
Routage des appels
SVI et transferts d’appels
Journal des appels et enregistrements
Transcription et résumé des appels et messages vocaux
Accès à notre API
Choix du numéro de téléphone sortant
Notification par e-mail des messages vocaux
Transcription des messages vocaux
Suivi des tâches
After-Call Work
Campagnes d’appels
Power Dialer (automate d’appel)
Scripts d’appels
Campagnes de messages vocaux
Dépose de message vocal
Numéros localisés
Reconnaissance vocale (speech-to-text)
Transcription temps réel des appels en cours
Remontée d'alertes temps réel en fonction du contenu des conversations
Configuration autonome des catégories d'alerte temps réel
Gestion électronique des documents (GED)
Agent Assist (nouveau)
Extensions web
SalesForce, Amazon s3, Azure, Dynamics 365, Easyware, Teams, Hubspot, Coheris, Zendesk, Efficy, Google, X
Intégrations natives disponibles
Extensions web (Chrome, Firefox…)
Accès à notre API
Accès à nos webhooks
Accès au SDK
Gestion des appels entrants
Serveur Vocal Interactif DTMF
Mise en attente personnalisable
Cascades d’appels aléatoires
Cascades d’appels séquencées
Transfert d’appel
Renvoi d’appel vers un collègue
Renvoi d’appel vers un numéro externe
Renvoi d’appel vers un agent d’accueil
Routage des appels par antécédence
Routage intelligent (Smart Routing)
Files d’attente
Files d’attente prioritaires
Files d’attente personnalisées
Groupes d’appels
SVI - Accueil en langage naturel - Call Bot
Demande d’un code client dans le SVI
Bouton de rappel
Liste personnelle de numéros bloqués
Liste globale de numéros bloqués
Historique partagé des appels, SMS et visioconférences
Répertoire de contacts partagé
Tags et notes d’appels
Tags de visioconférences
Fonction « Ne pas déranger » (Snooze)
Tags et snooze personnalisés
Messagerie instantanée
Conférence téléphonique
Statistiques et supervision
Accès aux logs d’appels en temps réel
Enregistrement des appels
Transcription des appels
Résumé d’appels
Statistiques Basiques Avancées
Statistiques d’appels personnelles via la Web App
Tableau de bord en temps réel
Double écoute (appels et visioconférences)
Uniquement l'audio
Intervention pendant l’appel
Chuchotement pendant l’appel
Envoi et réception de SMS
Notification SMS
Support client
Portail d’onboarding
Accès au centre d’aide
Support par e-mail et téléphone
Accord de niveau de service (SLA)
1 numéro fixe par utilisateur
Ajout de numéros supplémentaires - SDA, numéros géolocalisés, numéros courts
Numéros internationaux
Numéros mobiles européens disponibles
Notification d’appels
Dialer intelligent
Numéros verts & numéros spéciaux à reversement
Application web
Gestion complète de comptes SIP / PBX
Live Chat
Facebook Messenger
Meta Instagram
Chat Bot IA
Chat Bot Handover vers agent
Agent IA
Agent IA
Intégration base de connaissances
Intégration FAQ
Intégration fichiers PDF, CSV, texte
Mise à jour automatique de la base de connaissances
Suggestions contenu manquant Knowledge Base
Réponses génératives multi-sources
Interface de gestion de la Knowledge Base
Support multilingue automatique
Configuration personnalité IA (ton, style)
Adaptation au contexte utilisateur
Routage intelligent
Apprentissage continu
Arbre de dialogue no-code
Modèle IA agnostique
Hybridation dialogue scripté & dialogue LLM
Choix modèle LLM
Choix modèle d’embedding
Prévention des hallucinations
Prévention attaques prompt injections
Rapport des questions non résolues
Monitoring des conversations
Interfaces pour le pilotage IA
Gestion des modèles NLU (natural language understanding)
Import - export des données et des corpus d'apprentissage
Editeur de dialogue low-code
Simulateur de dialogue
Campagnes d'amélioration continue
Consultation et d'annotation des interactions
Reporting et KPI sur les interactions automatisées
Souveraineté & RSE
Serveurs et infrastructure détenus en propre
Data Centers en France
Moteur Speech-to-text (STT) propriétaire
Moteur Synthèse Vocale (TTS) propriétaire
Technologies NLP propriétaires
LLM souverain déployé localement
Minimisation de l'empreinte machine et de la consommation électrique
Solution omnicanale
Accueil client
IA Service Client
Appels sortants
SSO (Microsoft,, Salesforce, Okta)
Création de configuration de profil
Configuration des permissions du compte
Conforme RGPD
Certification ISO 22301
Profils superviseurs
On premise
Softphone embarqué
Routage des appels
SVI et transferts d’appels
Journal des appels et enregistrements
Transcription et résumé des appels et messages vocaux
Accès à notre API
Choix du numéro de téléphone sortant
Notification par e-mail des messages vocaux
Transcription des messages vocaux
Suivi des tâches
After-Call Work
Campagnes d’appels
Power Dialer (automate d’appel)
Scripts d’appels
Campagnes de messages vocaux
Dépose de message vocal
Numéros localisés
Reconnaissance vocale (speech-to-text)
Transcription temps réel des appels en cours
Remontée d'alertes temps réel en fonction du contenu des conversations
Configuration autonome des catégories d'alerte temps réel
Gestion électronique des documents (GED)
Agent Assist (nouveau)
Extensions web
SalesForce, Amazon s3, Azure, Dynamics 365, Easyware, Teams, Hubspot, Coheris, Zendesk, Efficy, Google, X
Intégrations natives disponibles
Extensions web (Chrome, Firefox…)
Accès à notre API
Accès à nos webhooks
Accès au SDK
Gestion des appels entrants
Serveur Vocal Interactif DTMF
Mise en attente personnalisable
Cascades d’appels aléatoires
Cascades d’appels séquencées
Transfert d’appel
Renvoi d’appel vers un collègue
Renvoi d’appel vers un numéro externe
Renvoi d’appel vers un agent d’accueil
Routage des appels par antécédence
Routage intelligent (Smart Routing)
Files d’attente
Files d’attente prioritaires
Files d’attente personnalisées
Groupes d’appels
SVI - Accueil en langage naturel - Call Bot
Demande d’un code client dans le SVI
Bouton de rappel
Liste personnelle de numéros bloqués
Liste globale de numéros bloqués
Historique partagé des appels, SMS et visioconférences
Répertoire de contacts partagé
Tags et notes d’appels
Tags de visioconférences
Fonction « Ne pas déranger » (Snooze)
Tags et snooze personnalisés
Messagerie instantanée
Conférence téléphonique
Statistiques et supervision
Accès aux logs d’appels en temps réel
Enregistrement des appels
Transcription des appels
Résumé d’appels
Statistiques Basiques Avancées
Statistiques d’appels personnelles via la Web App
Tableau de bord en temps réel
Double écoute (appels et visioconférences)
Uniquement l'audio
Intervention pendant l’appel
Chuchotement pendant l’appel
Envoi et réception de SMS
Notification SMS
Support client
Portail d’onboarding
Accès au centre d’aide
Support par e-mail et téléphone
Accord de niveau de service (SLA)
1 numéro fixe par utilisateur
Ajout de numéros supplémentaires - SDA, numéros géolocalisés, numéros courts
Numéros internationaux
Numéros mobiles européens disponibles
Notification d’appels
Dialer intelligent
Numéros verts & numéros spéciaux à reversement
Application web
Gestion complète de comptes SIP / PBX
Live Chat
Facebook Messenger
Meta Instagram
Chat Bot IA
Chat Bot Handover vers agent
Agent IA
Agent IA
Intégration base de connaissances
Intégration FAQ
Intégration fichiers PDF, CSV, texte
Mise à jour automatique de la base de connaissances
Suggestions contenu manquant Knowledge Base
Réponses génératives multi-sources
Interface de gestion de la Knowledge Base
Support multilingue automatique
Configuration personnalité IA (ton, style)
Adaptation au contexte utilisateur
Routage intelligent
Apprentissage continu
Arbre de dialogue no-code
Modèle IA agnostique
Hybridation dialogue scripté & dialogue LLM
Choix modèle LLM
Choix modèle d’embedding
Prévention des hallucinations
Prévention attaques prompt injections
Rapport des questions non résolues
Monitoring des conversations
Interfaces pour le pilotage IA
Gestion des modèles NLU (natural language understanding)
Import - export des données et des corpus d'apprentissage
Editeur de dialogue low-code
Simulateur de dialogue
Campagnes d'amélioration continue
Consultation et d'annotation des interactions
Reporting et KPI sur les interactions automatisées
Souveraineté & RSE
Serveurs et infrastructure détenus en propre
Data Centers en France
Moteur Speech-to-text (STT) propriétaire
Moteur Synthèse Vocale (TTS) propriétaire
Technologies NLP propriétaires
LLM souverain déployé localement
Minimisation de l'empreinte machine et de la consommation électrique
Our clients talk about us
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
Christine Daugeron
Mobile App Director
We have reduced the number of requests received by our customer support team on Zendesk by 50%.
Mathilde Brussiau
Tenant Service Relations Manager
Our agents can now access live data thanks to the dashboard […]. This allows them to adjust their calls based on the time spent with tenants. If they see that calls are numerous, they shorten them.
David Lunel
Contact center manager
ViaDialog is truly attentive to our needs, all the new features that will be implemented on the platforms tomorrow are communicated to the teams, the supervisors are supported [...] always with respect for the quality of the customer relationship.
Frédéric Sannier
Director of Digitalization, Development and IT
We felt the involvement of the whole team [...] in the success of our project, as it was also ViaDialog's project.
Jonathan Saler
Director of territories and clients
ViaDialog, through the ViaFlow solution, quickly adapted to our requests and our pace throughout the implementation of the tool: from design to deployment.
Dominique Chanon
Sales Support Director
The solutions proposed by ViaDialog are very flexible and intuitive. The product perfectly adapts to our needs. Moreover, our advisors gain in efficiency and comfort! The solution is perfectly suited for telework, which is becoming the norm.
Florent Tanguy
Customer relationship manager
The ViaSay chatbot reduces the number of support requests handled by agents, allowing for more efficient resource management.
Meryam Tardbirt
Customer Relationship Manager
ViaDialog has perfectly accompanied us in a personalized way, from the design of the ViaFlow solution to its production deployment.
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Enhance customer experience and optimize the performance of your agents.
Master omnichannel
Automate your interactions with voice and text AI
Advanced speech analytics to better understand your customers
Quality monitoring to consult your data in real time
4.7/5 on +200 reviews
Contact our sales team.
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Enhance customer experience and optimize the performance of your agents.
Master omnichannel
Automate your interactions with voice and text AI
Advanced speech analytics to better understand your customers
Quality monitoring to consult your data in real time
4.7/5 on +200 reviews
Contact our sales team.
Give us some personal information and we will contact you as soon as possible. See you very soon!
Enhance customer experience and optimize the performance of your agents.
Master omnichannel
Automate your interactions with voice and text AI
Advanced speech analytics to better understand your customers
Quality monitoring to consult your data in real time
4.7/5 on +200 reviews
Contact our sales team.
Give us some personal information and we will contact you as soon as possible. See you very soon!