Hybridize customer relationship channels with common sense!

The true AI revolution is only valuable in combination with human intelligence to continue to innovate and provide better services.

RGPD and data processing: the main points to remember

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the European regulation that aims to strengthen the protection of personal data.

augmented agent
Increased agent, satisfied customer!

Contact centre jobs are often precarious or a source of stress... What are the consequences for advisors?

call center homeoffice
How are customer relations centres reorganising with widespread teleworking?

The health crisis has had a lasting impact on the relationship with work and telework is becoming structural. How do contact centres organise themselves?

contact centre
The industrialisation of customer relations centres: what consequences?

Contact centre jobs are often precarious or a source of stress... What are the consequences for advisors?

ViaDialog becomes the first French private sponsor of SpeechBrain!

ViaDialog is very proud to be the first French sponsor of the SpeechBrain project, which is significantly revolutionising the field of Artificial Voice Intelligence.

teleworking agent
What will the contact centre of tomorrow look like?

Used by agents and customers alike, the home office continues to revolutionise the world of customer relations...

teleworking agent
The key issues of teleworking for contact centres

The Covid-19 health crisis has brought new and unexpected constraints. What are the challenges of teleworking for contact centres?

IVR natural language
The irresistible emergence of natural language IVR

Conversational AI is a guarantee of improved working conditions for teleconsultants!